Customized services
for risk analysis and mitigation.
Neotica offers services covering all stages in risk analysis and safety assessments:
Our studies are developed by professionals with proven experience based on applicable regulations and best practices in the industry.
Gas pipelines
It allows the operator to determine the levels of Individual and Societal Risk
The risk analyses for the gas pipelines are carried out in order to analyse whether the associated risk is at acceptable levels according to the ALARP/COMAH criteria (for individual and societal risk respectively).
NAG 100 (Apéndice G-20, Parte O) / IGE-TD-1 / IGE-TD-2 / Norma Europea EN 14161:2011 / British Standard PD 8010 / ASME B31.8s
This is an essential tool to relate all the information of a system and to be able to define corrective or maintenance actions.
The different types of risk analysis are applicable depending on the objective, the quantity and quality of data. Neotica specializes in risk analyses applicable to any type of pipeline or pipeline system. The risk analyses developed by Neotica are the following:
Developed under industry standards and best practices.